Welcome Back to Ironman XXVI, the BarbenHeimer!

I don't know if we can be trusted with such a weapon. But I know Ken can't.

Are you Ken-ough!??!! To reinstate the Ironman-archy? Or will you be an IronBarbie? Or is there a non-zero chance that this will ignite the atmosphere? It didn't the first 25 times, but you never know....

The 26th edition of Ironman starts the first or second week of the 2024 season!!

Not sure what this is? Ironman is a simple survivor pool. Each week you will pick one NFL team to win their game. If they win, you continue to the next week. If they lose or tie, you are out. The only exception is if EVERYONE still in the pool loses in the same week. This is because we want to get to a single winner. This rule is in effect up to the last game of the regular season. At that point we split the pot amongst the survivors.

All of this fun requires a mere $20 donation per line, that covers you for the entire contest. Signing up is easier than ever. Register or sign in now using the link in the menu, and then add Ironman or Ironfrau entries.

Paying is easy as well. You can send a check to:

Bruce Lehman
3675 Silverton Street
Boulder, CO 80301

Or, you can use VenMo or PayPal.

You choose how to pay as the final step of adding a line (or you can wait until you've added all your lines). Once your line is paid for, you'll be able to see it in the results page and make picks using the links in the grid (only visible when you are logged in)!

Enter before the week 1 kick-off, which is Thursday, September 7! Note you can continue to add lines in week one as long as there is a game left that has not been played, including the Week 1 Monday night game(s)! Check out the rules page for all of the rules of this game.

If you have trouble making your picks, e-mail the Ironman and give him your pick. He will handle it.